
Problems with the Website

On this page, you can leave a comment in the connected Google Doc regarding issues and problems, features and requests for this website. This page will also help to give you an idea of how you can deal with comments in your own material.

Registering as a Writer

I have Registered, whats next. One of the first things you can do is send me an email regarding that area you want to write to. As of today, November 2021, I have created six areas, as seen here: you have an area you want to...

Registering as a Writer

I have Registered, whats next. One of the first things you can do is send me an email regarding that area you want to write to. As of today, November 2021, I have created six areas, as seen here: you have an area you want to...

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Problems with the Website

On this page, you can leave a comment in the connected Google Doc regarding issues and problems, features and requests for this website. This page will also help to give you an idea of how you can deal with comments in your own material.

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